Cut A visual transition created in editing in which one shot is instantaneously replaced on screen by another. This is used to help direct an audience through a a scene.
Cross cutting
Cutting back and forth quickly between two or more lines of action, indicating they are happening simultaneously. This would be useful for creating a tense opening scene because there would be more than just one piece of action happening at the same time.
Cutting back and forth quickly between two or more lines of action, indicating they are happening simultaneously. This would be useful for creating a tense opening scene because there would be more than just one piece of action happening at the same time.
Continuity editing
Editing that creates action that flows smoothly across shots and scenes without jarring visual inconsistencies. Establishes a narrative to help the audience follow the story for the viewer further keeping them involved and gripped.
Editing that creates action that flows smoothly across shots and scenes without jarring visual inconsistencies. Establishes a narrative to help the audience follow the story for the viewer further keeping them involved and gripped.
Dissolve A gradual scene transition. The editor overlaps the end of one shot with the beginning of the next one. This provides a peaceful transition for the audience.
Editing The work of selecting and joining together shots to create a finished film.
Errors of continuity Disruptions in the flow of a scene, such as a failure to match action or the placement of props across shots.
This is only the simple concepts of editing however I have a much greater understanding of editing and how to do it because of doing youtube for so many years. So I have decided to show a video of screen shots showing what I do for a thirty second youtube clip. (just editing it)
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