Within the making of this film we are going to encounter a lot of problems along the way. One of the best ways I believe to tackle those problems is looking at them early on, this is why I have listed some of our initial problems with the film.
The first problem is a big one... actors. Although we only have about four characters but one splits into a possible two roles their age is a problem. The reason for this is our main protagonist is considerably older than any of the students or teachers at Chalfonts. The reason is because we want someone this age is because they have to look like a World War Two veteran. This is going to be very hard to find someone that age willing to act for free.
Our initial thoughts on this problem was to use grandparents from our families to act in it but this film is going to take up a lot of they're time so we decided that we needed a back up plan. A way around this is using the young actor as the older man as well by using makeup or a mask.
Another problem is to do with location such as the retirement home and the battlefield because these locations are specific and require a lot of aspects that have to be right. The battlefield for example can't have anything modern on it within the shot because this would take the audience out of the time zone therefore ruining the film. To avoid this I made sure that the war scenes were medium or close ups so that not much of the background is seen. Another option is to have the flashbacks take place in a kind of cross over time zone where the young character is back in World War Two but this takes place in the current year. This would avoid the problem of the background however I don't think this would be as gripping as the first idea.
Lastly the visual effects, this isn't as much of a problem as the other two because I can just learn how to do them effectively. However I think it would be important to have some test shots for the visual effects and transitions because then we will have confidence in what we are doing.