Monday, 16 March 2015

Second Rough Cut Of Our Opening & Improvements To Be Made

  • Production companies at the beginning
  • Better pacing at the beginning
  • No shot variety- of Fraser waking up
  • More intercutting - so the audience know right away that it is PTSD 
  • No Soundtrack
  • POV shot of washing the hands
  • Motivation of movement
  • Need actual titles
  • Hold the flashback and forward shots for an extra second each - the audience is too confused - the cutting is too quick
  • Frazers reaction to the flashback in the mirror 
  • Inc a shot of the house not exploded
  • Inc a sound that makes Frazer want to look out of the window
  • Frazer looks out of the window for 3 seconds too long - more consistency in lengths of shots
  • The pacing lacks any consistency 
  • More high / low / canted / distance - more shot variation
  • Maybe needs something at the very beginning  
  • Needs more engagement of the character
Credit to Mariella for the list

When I got this list of improvements I immediately looked into what production companies and directors put at the start of their feature films because I wanted to either make out own fake production company or if we lack time just put a name. The pacing was tricky because initially the film was jumping through days but due to complications we decided not to do that, This meant that I had to shorten shots especially the opening ones because they took up a good 25% of the opening. The shot variety was by far my biggest concern because Mr.Ford wanted the shots to always be dead still because otherwise it would show bad camera work. However when on set I decided that we could get away with having a hand held shot if done correctly so I grabbed a few from various distances and the extreme close up worked really well because it varied from the other shots and showed the panic in the character. The intercutting could only be done after our next shoot but will be there in the final film. For the soundtrack I got Katy to research 1940's music continuing on from my earlier research and to pick her three favourites then we picked our favourite two and I dragged each one onto the timeline just hearing the soundtrack without my mix of sound effects. This allowed us to better decide on which we preferred In the end I mixed together my music mix and 'My Little Sunshine' because the upbeat contrasted well and the ending line suited the scene perfectly. The flashback scene didn't mix well so I added in another shot which linked the two together. This allowed for a quick link to be made between the scenes and would avoid the audience being confused. I also have started work on the actual titles and I added in another shot which I felt was needed on set which was Frasers reaction to the flashback. This avoided a reshoot. Instead of just showing the house not exploding I decided to reverse it to provide an imaginary effect denoting that its in his head. For the sound to make him go to the window my group suggested a car however I felt that if we were to go to the window every time we heard a car we would be more like a dog. Therefore I used an air raid siren which would link to the explosion and create tension when the noise builds up. 

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